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Plaza Botero Medellin Colombia

Table of Contents

A Journey Through Plaza Botero:
Art and Culture in Medellin, Colombia


  1. Introduction
  2. The History and Artist
    1. The History of Plaza Botero
    2. Discovering Fernando Botero
  3. The Importance of Public Art
  4. Exploring the Plaza Botero Sculptures
    1. La Gordita
    2. Roman Soldier
    3. The Hand
    4. Maternity
  5. Museum of Antioquia
  6. A Vibrant Cultural Hub
  7. Street Performers and Vendors
  8. How to Get to Plaza Botero
  9. Safety Tips for Visitors
  10. Additional Attractions
  11. Conclusion
  12. FAQs
  13. Additional Tips for Visiting Plaza Botero
  14. Final Thoughts



Nestled in the heart of Medellin, Colombia, Plaza Botero is a mesmerizing destination that showcases the fascinating world of art and culture in the city. As a tribute to the renowned Colombian artist, Fernando Botero, this public space is adorned with his magnificent sculptures, reflecting the city’s dedication to celebrating art and promoting public spaces. In this article, we will take you on a journey through the history, significance, and charm of Plaza Botero and explore its many facets.

The History of Plaza Botero

Plaza Botero, situated in the heart of Medellin, Colombia, is a captivating space that showcases the works of the famous Colombian artist, Fernando Botero. The plaza, originally known as Parque de San Ignacio, was renovated in the early 2000s and renamed Plaza Botero in honor of the artist. Today, it stands as a testament to the city’s rich cultural heritage and its dedication to promoting public art.

Discovering Fernando Botero

Fernando Botero is a renowned Colombian artist, recognized for his distinctive style of depicting subjects in exaggerated, voluptuous forms. This unique style, often referred to as “Boterismo,” has earned him international acclaim and made him one of the most famous artists from Latin America. Born in Medellin in 1932, Botero has created a prolific body of work that includes paintings, drawings, and sculptures.

The Importance of Public Art

Public art plays a vital role in urban environments, providing visual and intellectual stimulation while fostering a sense of community and shared experiences. Plaza Botero is a prime example of the power of public art, as it has transformed the area into a lively, engaging space that attracts locals and tourists alike.

Exploring the Plaza Botero Sculptures

One of the main draws of Plaza Botero is the opportunity to admire 23 of Fernando Botero’s bronze sculptures, which are displayed outdoors for everyone to enjoy.

La Gordita

Among the sculptures exhibited at Plaza Botero, “La Gordita” is a crowd favorite. This charming, rotund woman embodies Botero’s signature style, with her exaggerated curves and proportions. Her carefree expression and captivating presence make her an enduring symbol of the artist’s vision.

Roman Soldier

Another notable piece in the collection is the “Roman Soldier.” This imposing statue features a muscular figure clad in Roman armor, again showcasing Botero’s unique approach to form and volume. The “Roman Soldier” exudes power and authority, providing a fascinating contrast to the more delicate and whimsical pieces in the plaza.

The Hand

“The Hand” is a striking and somewhat surreal sculpture that captures the imagination of visitors. This enormous hand, complete with detailed fingers and fingernails, invites viewers to contemplate the intricacies of the human body and the artist’s mastery of proportion.


“Maternity” is a tender depiction of a mother and child, showcasing Botero’s ability to evoke emotion through his art. The mother’s loving embrace of her child creates a sense of warmth and affection, reminding us of the universal bond between mother and child.

Museum of Antioquia

Adjacent to Plaza Botero, you’ll find the Museum of Antioquia, which houses an extensive collection of Botero’s works, as well as other prominent Colombian and international artists.

A Vibrant Cultural Hub

Plaza Botero is more than just a showcase of Fernando Botero’s works; it has become a vibrant cultural hub in Medellin. The plaza is a gathering place for people from all walks of life, where they can engage in lively conversations, enjoy performances, and participate in various events that take place throughout the year.

Street Performers and Vendors

As you stroll through the plaza, you’ll likely come across a variety of street performers, including musicians, dancers, and living statues, adding to the lively atmosphere. Local vendors also set up shop, selling a wide array of Colombian crafts, souvenirs, and delicious street food. This bustling scene creates an immersive experience that showcases the city’s vibrant culture and spirit.

How to Get to Plaza Botero

Plaza Botero is conveniently located in downtown Medellin and can be easily reached by public transportation. The nearest metro station is Parque Berrio, which is just a short walk away from the plaza. Alternatively, you can take a taxi or use a ride-sharing service like Uber to get there.

Safety Tips for Visitors

While Medellin has made significant strides in improving safety over the past few decades, it’s essential to be cautious when visiting any urban area. Keep your belongings secure, be aware of your surroundings, and avoid visiting the plaza late at night. By taking these simple precautions, you can enjoy a safe and memorable visit to Plaza Botero.

Nearby Attractions

After exploring Plaza Botero, consider visiting some of the nearby attractions that Medellin has to offer. The historic Candelaria neighborhood, with its charming colonial architecture, is within walking distance. Additionally, the Metropolitan Cathedral and the Medellin Planetarium are also nearby, offering further opportunities to delve into the city’s rich history and cultural offerings.


Plaza Botero is a must-visit destination for art enthusiasts and anyone seeking to experience the essence of Medellin’s vibrant culture. With its stunning collection of Fernando Botero’s sculptures, the adjacent Museum of Antioquia, and lively atmosphere, Plaza Botero is a true gem in the heart of the city. By taking the time to explore this fascinating public space, you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for Medellin’s artistic heritage and the talent of one of its most beloved artists.


  1. Is there an entrance fee to visit Plaza Botero?No, Plaza Botero is a public space and is free for everyone to visit and enjoy.
  2. What are the opening hours of the Museum of Antioquia?The Museum of Antioquia is open from Tuesday to Saturday, 10:00 AM to 5:30 PM, and on Sundays and holidays from 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM. It is closed on Mondays.
  3. Are guided tours available at Plaza Botero?Yes, there are guided walking tours available that will take you through Plaza Botero and provide insights into the artworks and the history of the area. You can also find self-guided tour information online.
  4. **Is it possible to take photographs of the sculptures at Plaza Botero?**Yes, you are welcome to take photographs of the sculptures at Plaza Botero. In fact, it’s encouraged to capture the beauty of these works of art and share them with others.
  5. Are there any restaurants or cafes near Plaza Botero?Yes, there are several restaurants and cafes in the vicinity of Plaza Botero, offering a variety of cuisines and dining options. This allows you to grab a bite to eat or relax with a cup of coffee while enjoying the lively atmosphere of the plaza.

Additional Tips for Visiting Plaza Botero

To make the most of your visit to Plaza Botero and the surrounding area, consider the following tips:

  1. Wear comfortable shoes: As you’ll be walking around the plaza and exploring the nearby attractions, it’s essential to wear comfortable footwear.
  2. Bring sunscreen and a hat: The sun can be quite strong in Medellin, so protect yourself from harmful UV rays by applying sunscreen and wearing a hat.
  3. Stay hydrated: Make sure to drink plenty of water, especially during the warmer months, to stay hydrated while exploring the city.
  4. Respect the artwork: Although the sculptures are accessible to the public, it’s essential to treat them with respect and not climb on or damage them in any way.
  5. Explore beyond the plaza: Plaza Botero is just one of many fascinating places to visit in Medellin. Take the time to explore the city’s diverse neighborhoods, parks, and cultural institutions to fully appreciate what Medellin has to offer.

By keeping these tips in mind, you’ll be well-prepared to enjoy a memorable and enriching experience at Plaza Botero and beyond. The lively atmosphere, beautiful artwork, and vibrant culture make this public space an essential stop on any visit to Medellin, Colombia.

Other Notable Works by Fernando Botero

While Plaza Botero is a fantastic place to admire Fernando Botero’s sculptures, his artistic contributions extend far beyond this public space. If you’re interested in exploring more of his works, consider visiting the following locations:

  1. Botero Museum, Bogota: This museum, located in Colombia’s capital city, houses one of the most extensive collections of Botero’s art, including paintings, drawings, and sculptures.
  2. Fernando Botero Library Park, Medellin: Inaugurated in 2008, this cultural complex, located in the San Cristobal neighborhood, was designed by Botero and features a library, auditorium, and exhibition spaces showcasing local and international artists.
  3. International Sculptures by Fernando Botero: Botero’s sculptures can also be found in various cities around the world, such as New York, Paris, and Singapore, further demonstrating his global influence and artistic prowess.
  4. Botero’s Murals: Some of Botero’s most iconic works are his large-scale murals, like the one in the Palace of the Colombian Congress in Bogota, which showcases his signature style and keen eye for detail.

By seeking out these additional works by Fernando Botero, you’ll gain a more comprehensive understanding of his artistic journey and the impact he’s had on the global art scene.

Final Thoughts

A visit to Plaza Botero in Medellin, Colombia, is an unforgettable experience that immerses you in the world of Fernando Botero and the city’s vibrant culture. The plaza’s impressive collection of sculptures, the lively atmosphere, and the opportunity to explore nearby attractions make it a must-see destination for any visitor to Medellin.

Whether you’re an art enthusiast, a casual traveler, or a local resident, Plaza Botero offers a unique opportunity to engage with the creative spirit of Medellin and appreciate the contributions of one of its most celebrated artists. As you explore the plaza and its surroundings, you’ll not only deepen your understanding of Botero’s work but also create lasting memories in this captivating Colombian city.

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